We all heard of the word "mentor" before. A mentor is a person who acts as a force of influence like a role model. A mentor usually helps out a person with less experience a skills set. Mentors can be found in everyday life. At the work place, schools, or even at home.
There are four mentoring stages : initiation, cultivation, separation, and redefinition.
First is the initiation step, where the mentor and protege get introduced to one other. There should be a sense of keeping an open mind, ready to learn.
Second step is cultivation. Where the mentor and protege get more comfortable with one another and starts to bond, while maintaining a level of respect.
Third step is separation. Is just what it sounds like, it's when the mentor and the protege are separated from one another.
Final step is redefinition. It becomes accomplished when the mentoring is successful. The protege is now skilled and almost on the same level as the mentor.
I found this more interesting than useful. It reminded me of the leadership section, because leaders are in a sense also mentors.I just found the steps and stages really interesting. I never thought that much into the role of a mentor.
Yeah I agree with you but I would also find this topic useful to ourselves too. It is good to know though what a mentor does, because you can use this information later on. It shares the four stages of mentoring. Which can be useful, we can put these four stages to use if we ever need to mentor someone. Also, we can use these steps when we have a mentor. We can observe our mentor if they carry these four steps as a mentor. So I think it could also be used as a useful topic, but it most definitely is an interesting one, because it is good to know what the four mentoring stages are.