I thought that the cause and effect website reading and exercises was useful in many different ways. I found out and learned some useful information on casual arguments. A casual argument strengths comes from three different factors which are how acceptable the implied comparison is, how likely the the case for causation is, and how credible the significant difference is. Understanding these three factors would help with the concept. It is super important to know these three factors and how they work in an argument. You have to understand how acceptable the comparison is, the basic similarity has to be strong enough and realistic. Then question is the case, to see if the argument is likely. And then question the difference between the comparison.
The exercises were also useful because got to see these concepts from the reading implied to different situations. It always help when you get to use and see what you just learned in a situation or example.
Hi Donnerz! I agree with you the cause and effect website was useful. However, when you start to work on your second blog post, I found the critical mission website much more useful. I was more useful because it easier to understand and talks about many concepts. I agree with what you said that it is important to know the three factors that give a causal argument strength.It was good for use get more information on cause and effect. I didn't get to talk about the exercises in my post, but you are probably right that it is useful! Thanks for the post!