Friday, October 22, 2010

Group Assignment

I think the group assignments were useful even though this was an online class. For the two group assignments, we actually got to use the concepts we learned in class. We had to pick an editorial and analyze it. An editorial is an opinion piece so we go to see how they made their claims and arguments. For the second group assignment, we picked an organization and analyzed it. We analyze different techniques they used to get people to support their main claim.  Some of their techniques were using celebrity endorsements or appealing to ethos. I prefer the second assignment to the first. It was easier to see find the support and claims. These assignments were useful because we're actually seeing how the concepts would work outside of class in other peoples opinions. The second assignment helped me learned more about the organization we picked, PETA. The second time around we are also more comfortable with each other so the assignment worked out better.

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