Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Things Learned

Over the whole courses of this semester, we learned a lot of different concepts. For me, when you put them all together, we learned how to build strong arguments. Which is very important in life. Because to me, life is just one big argument for you to fight. To build a strong argument, you must use different types of claims, reasoning, and appeals. Every aspect of life, is going to require a different aspect of claims, reasoning, or appeals. Knowing how to apply those concepts into your arguments, will provide you with a strong argument.  We also learned how to avoid bad arguments. What to and not to do when making an argument. When you know all the rights and wrongs, you will know how to build a good argument. So the one main thing, that I learned from this course was arguments. How to build them, how to analyze them, and how to counter them. Which will certainly be very helpful in life.

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