Saturday, November 6, 2010

Appeal to Vanity

One of the other types of Appeal to Emotion, was appeal to vanity. Appeal to vanity is basically appealing to beauty and the want for it. I think especially for young teenagers and adults this is a useful form of appeal to emotion. Appeal to vanity is widely found in materialistic ads for things like makeup and clothes. The ads would show the "beauty" that comes with a certain product, often implying the message: if you wear these clothes or if you wear these makeup then you can be beautiful. Vanity is a strong source of motivation in our generation. The need to fit in and look good  has a huge influence over young people. Peer pressure to be a certain type or look a certain way ha a huge role over choices. Appeal to Vanity has a huge impact on how our generation think and act. That's why those ads that appeal to vanity has such a strong impact on young people.

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