Friday, November 5, 2010

Objective 3

A lot of advertisements uses a range of the concept "appeal to emotion." By appealing to a certain emotion in a piece of advertisement, people can easier to persuade a certain way. Some advertisement uses the Appeal to fear, to persuade people to buy a certain product or to join a cause or belief. 

For example this ad appeals to fear.
It's a Rogaine ad for men who want better fuller hair that will keep on growing. The ads appeal to fear by comparing the consumer to older men in their lives who lost their hair. This will scare the consumer into buying the product to avoid hair lost.
A lot of ads especially ones for consumer beauty products or medical ad campaign use the appeal to fear tactic. Because fear leaves the consumer with doubt and worry, they are more likely to buy into the product. Fear is a great motivation in advertisement as well as arguments.

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